時間 |
議程 |
講者 |
13:30 - 14:00 |
報到 |
14:00 - 14:50 |
(中文) |
林誠夏 Lucien C.H. Lin |
14:50 - 15:10 |
開源平台上的有效創新 開源軟體正帶領著資訊產業的革命,從端到虛擬化到雲,甚至大數據,開源軟體都佔有重要的位置。每個公司都應如何了解如何利用開源的平台,結合開源社群的資源,才能將公司有限的資源做最有效的部署。 (中文) |
黃鴻文 Kevin Huang |
15:10 - 15:30 |
休息 |
15:30 - 16:20 |
Practical tips for GPL compliance In this talk I will guide the audience through a straightforward and simple process flow of how they can distribute source code and binaries to their downstream recipients (like customers) in a license compliant way for the most common scenarios of software distribution. I will highlight common errors and show a few best practices from companies. (English) |
Armijn Hemel, MSc. |
16:20 - 17:00 |
Panel Discussion (English) |
林誠夏 Lucien C.H. Lin 黃鴻文 Kevin Huang Armijn Hemel, MSc. |
語言 / Language
- 本討論會將以中文與英文兩種語言進行,但現場並未提供同步中英文口譯。
- 座談討論時段 (Panel Discussion) 將以英文來進行,但是歡迎與會者以中文提問,現場將有人員協助將提問內容翻譯成為英文。
- This event will be held in both Chinese and English, but simultaneous interpretation wil not be provided during the event.
- Panel Discussion will be held in English, but all attendees are welcome to propose questions in Chinese. The staff will help to translate the questions into English.
■ 林誠夏 Lucien C.H. Lin
林誠夏目前為自由軟體鑄造場的資深顧問,知識背景為科技法律,但也喜歡學習任何新奇有趣的事物。2005年任職於中研院自由軟體鑄造場,踏入公眾授權模式的研究領域,近年的研究成果包括:擔任自由開源軟體法律參考書台灣專章 (http://ifosslawbook.org/) 的編撰作者,以及協助各界參與者,釐清 Open Source、Creative Commons、Open Data 等 Open License 領域的授權與應用問題。
■ 黃鴻文 Kevin Huang
講者目前服務於Open Invention Network (OIN),負責亞太地區推動OIN專利聯盟。加入OIN之前,黃鴻文服務於 Canonical (Ubuntu)、HP 和 IBM,累積超過10年基於開源軟體的豐富商務經驗。
■ Armijn Hemel, MSc.
Armijn Hemel, MSc is the owner of Tjaldur Software Governance Solutions. Mr Hemel is an expert in GPL compliance engineering. He used to be on the core team of gpl-violations.org where he helped enforce the GPL in Germany and solve many hundreds of cases informally without the need of legal action. These days Mr Hemel is creating tooling and processes for license compliance and supply chain management, such as the Binary Analysis Tool ( http://www.binaryanalysis.org/ ) and the OSADL Linux Compliance Audit.
葛冬梅 Florence T.M. Ko Email: tmk2005@citi.sinica.edu.tw / ftmk20082@gmail.com
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