OpenChain 協助產業在碰觸或思索開源合規 (Open Source Compliance) 爭議或政策時,有一套流程可以提供參考!
開源軟體在全世界的應用非常廣泛,隨著開源軟體的商業化,複雜的開源授權規定也讓許多商業使用者不知所措,而層出不窮的侵權糾紛,也讓開源合規的議題逐漸受到企業重視。隸屬於 Linux Foundation Project 的 OpenChain 專案透過簡化及標準化開源合規實務,使企業、組織可更為有效滿足開源合規,從而建立產業供應鏈對開源軟體的信任。包含微軟、Google、高通、西門子、Sony 與 Uber 等都已採用OpenChain 進行開源合規管理並通過 OpenChain 認證。
這場工作坊將會介紹 OpenChain 專案,同時也邀請國內外的開源合規專家來分享實務經驗,以及在過程中如何克服遭遇到的困難。若是你正在使用、正要接觸開源軟體,或者是單純想要了解開源軟體,都歡迎你一起加入討論!
= Language 語言 =
This event will be held mainly in English. Part of the sessions will be delivered in Mandarin. Please see the agenda below for details.
= Agenda 議程 =
13:00-13:30 | | Check-In | |||
13:30-14:00 | | English A Brief Introduction to OpenChain | |||
Shane Coughlan, OpenChain | ||||
pptx | ||||
14:00-14:30 | | English OpenChain Japan workgroup and the workgroup's status | |||
Hiroyuki Fukuchi, Sony Japan | ||||
14:30-15:00 | | Mandarin / 中文 使用開源軟體製作商業產品、來自社群的常見訴求,以及OpenChain管理流程導入如何協助處理相關訴求 (Common requirements on OSS compliance from communities to Taiwan companies and how OpenChain can help to that) | |||
Lucien C.H. Lin, OCF (林誠夏, 開放文化基金會) | ||||
15:00-15:30 | | Mandarin / 中文 OpenChain 2.0 specification in a nutshell | |||
SZ Lin, Moxa Inc. (林上智, 四零四科技) | ||||
15:30-16:00 | | Break - Tea Time | |||
16:00-16:10 | | Mandarin / 中文 Introduction to OpenChain Taiwan workgroup | |||
SZ Lin, Moxa Inc. (林上智, 四零四科技) | ||||
16:10-17:00 | | English Panel Discussion | |||
Facilitator: | ||||
Kevin, OIN (黃鴻文) | ||||
Participants: | ||||
Shane Coughlan, OpenChain | ||||
Hiroyuki Fukuchi, Sony Japan | ||||
Lucien C.H. Lin, OCF (林誠夏, 開放文化基金會) | ||||
SZ Lin, Moxa Inc. (林上智, 四零四科技) | ||||
* The organizer reserves the right to change the agenda. * 主辦單位保留更動議程的權利。 |
= Speaker / 講者 =
The following list is in alphabetical order of the last names of speakers.
Shane Coughlan General Manager at OpenChain Project The Linux Foundation |
Hiroyuki Fukuchi Senior Alliance Manager at Open Source Promotion Section, Technology Alliance Department, Corporate Technology Strategy Division Sony Japan |
Kevin Huang (黃鴻文) Director of Licensing, APAC Open Invention Network (OIN) |
Lucien C.H. Lin (林誠夏) Legal Adviser / 法制顧問 Open Culture Foundation (OCF) / 開放文化基金會 |
SZ Lin (林上智) Assistant Project Manager, Software Development Center / 專案副理, 軟體發展中心 Moxa Inc. / 四零四科技 |
= Information / 相關資訊 =
◎ 線上提問
- 請到下面網頁:
- 輸入下方-event code: #openchain2020
- 或者請掃 QRcode,進入網站,然後輸入上面 event code。
◎ OpenChain 台灣社群官網
◎ OpenChain 台灣社群 Telegram
◎ OpenChain Project / OpenChain計畫官網
◎ 開源軟體授權條款合規的一般公眾指南(繁體中文)
= Location / 場地位置 =
= Contact / 聯絡信箱 =
= Organizer / 主辦單位 =
= Co-Organizer 協辦單位 =
Preventive Measures about COVID-19 / 防疫措施Please follow the preventive measures about COVID-19. Entering the venue is allowed, only if you wear a mask during the event. If you feel unwell before the event, please cancel your registration, rest at home and contact your doctor. 請您遵循 COVID-19 自我健康管理措施,進入會場請全程戴口罩。若您在活動前有任何身體不適,請自行取消報名、留在家中休息並與您的醫生聯繫。 |